Saturday, March 1, 2008

Welcome Cultural Program (aka: Party)

The staff of AMURT hosted a cultural program for us - as a welcome party of sorts. SO thoughtful – and SO fun. One of our favorite parts was their rendition of Wycleff Jean's "Yele". Picture a circle of Haitians (with some International NGO staff mixed in) sitting under the beautiful night sky, with a lantern lighting the song lyrics so everyone could join in to sing. The song was powerful, a picture of Haiti today -- and a call for action.

The song is written in Creole. Following is an English translation of some of the lyrics:

If you have ears, listen
If you have mouth, speak
If you don’t, our country is going to sink
Like a boat full of refugees
If we do not seek God,
Once more!

If you have ears, listen
If you have mouth, speak
If not, our country is going to sink
Like a boat full of refugees
Izrael is seeking God, listen!

Ten thousand coffins, look!, all are children.
The priest whines, but they cannot resuscitate
The Mom cries, but the dead do not hear
A criminal just passes by, I hear
(blow blow blow blow)


If you have ears, listen
If you have mouth, speak
If not, our country is going to sink
Like a boat full of refugees
Haitians, seek God, once more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Molly JOy,

I know our God hears and weaps. He is there. You and Eric are His hands, feet and voice. Praying for you! Love, MOM